My Story
Do you ever dream of singing with confidence and power—expressing the deepest parts of your soul? Are you straining to hit the high notes, or having difficulty singing on key? Once on stage - does your voice shake in nervousness, and the anxiety overwhelms you because you are not feeling confident in your performance? Tired of scrolling through the endless maze of youtube tutorials and buying educational books that don’t provide feedback? I’m going to say something shocking.
Mastering vocal technique does not make you a singer.
Keep following me - have you ever envisioned yourself singing outside of your shower walls? Let’s go deeper than learning how to sing - what exactly are you truly desiring in becoming a singer? Can you dare to dream of yourself as a musical artist on fire with passion - crafting songs that resonate from the depths of your soul, confidently owning every moment of your performance - and proficient, knowledgeable, and skilled in the language of musical theory?
Can you imagine yourself as a multifaceted musical artist?
Whether your dreams are to perform at your local church, composing heartfelt music for a TV Show in your bedroom, landing a role on Broadway, being interviewed on TV, or fronting a rock band at a music festival - developing your singing voice is a wonderful first step - but there are many more steps on your journey towards becoming an artist.
Just for a moment - picture me, a slightly awkward teenage girl with freckles and a retainer, known among the school hallways as 'the quiet girl.' Little did they know that behind my shy facade I had a passionate and fiery soul with a burning desire to share my voice with the world. After seeking referrals throughout my tiny town of 1,200 people - I finally found a voice teacher. With nervous anticipation, I prepared myself emotionally for my first lesson. After being asked to sing a few scales - the teacher looked dead into my eyes and said authoritatively, “You have a biological disease called tone deafness, in which there is no cure.”
Imagine the devastation and humiliation I experienced in that moment when my dreams shattered on the floor like pieces of broken glass! How is it possible to have a deep knowing in your heart of who you are destined to become, and to be simultaneously told you will never achieve it!
Through grit, determination, and hard work (and a more qualified voice teacher!) - two years later I would be accepted into the world’s most competitive fine arts academy, and trained extensively in vocal performance with famous performers from The Metropolitan Opera and Broadway. The journey towards my musical destiny was closer, but I had no idea the long meandering road that laid ahead of me.
After being entrusted to the manager of contestants from The Voice, I was sure my time had finally come. Armed with a great band, I performed covers at top venues in the city in front of large captivated audiences - but despite being paid well, my musical career remained stagnant. I kept waiting to be discovered - looking out into the sea of happy faces hoping to find just one record label executive who recognized my talent and would sign me. I kept waiting. And waiting. But no one ever came.
Finally - my manager sat me down and told me what I was missing. What I needed to go to the next level was just one thing - an original song. I needed to be recognized as a unique artist - not someone who can do vocal melismas like Beyonce or could play piano like Alicia Keys.
I needed my own artistic identity and my own brand that expressed who I was through music. But where does one even begin?
Fast forward to today—Megan Wilde (who is now your experienced and formidable mentor!) has transformed from a shy, timid girl with ‘incurable tone deafness’ into what Seattle Music Insider describes as 'a musical force to be reckoned with!' With a remarkable journey that includes winning a Global Music Icon Award, an LA Music Critic Award, placing as finalist in 10 international songwriting competitions, working with 8 Grammy/Oscar/Emmy award winners and nominees on her upcoming album, and having her original music featured in TV shows (like TNT’s ‘Claws’), commercials (like fashion retailer, ‘Forever 21’), and in movie theaters around the country - Megan's expertise is unparalleled. From singing the national anthem at stadiums in front of 20,000 people and writing theme songs for a UN organization that represents all of Africa’s Female Presidents, First Ladies, and Royalty - and performances for historical figures like The Prime Minister of South Africa. Performances have occurred at iconic venues such as Paris Fashion Week at The Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal in India, The U.N. Headquarters and Lincoln Center in New York—Megan's experiences have shaped her into an accomplished musical artist with a wealth of knowledge to share.
Introducing 'The Artist Accelerator: The 6 Month Blueprint to Transform Your Musical Dreams into Reality,' an innovative, immersive, and all-encompassing 6 month online program designed to put you on the fast track to your dreams and unleash your full potential as an artist! Through a combination of expert instruction, a vault of informative content, personalized feedback, industry guest speakers, monthly performance opportunities, and a supportive community of fellow singers - you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and musical growth like never before.
Why waste years of your life meandering around trying to figure out how to live out your musical dreams? Once you realize you want to take music seriously - can you afford the $50,000 a year music universities like Berklee charge for tuition? With 'The Artist Accelerator,' you'll have access to a structured curriculum that covers everything from vocal technique, performance skills, setting up a basic home studio, writing uniquely captivating songs, and essential business skills for the music industry (like branding, networking, marketing, and media training) in a day-by-day format and for a fraction of the cost.
Say goodbye to the endless maze of random YouTube tutorials, and hello to a step-by-step interactive program that guides you through every aspect of your journey.
After working with me - my amazing students have gone on to collaborate with producers for The X-Factor, Kelly Clarkson, and Sia. Students have worked with Grammy and Oscar winning and nominated producers. Students have gone viral with 1.5 million views on a single instagram post, and amassed a Tiktok following of hundreds of thousands of subscribers. I’ve had 11 year old’s perform on Broadway (!), and many students who were accepted into the world’s best music universities - like Berklee!
Don't let fear hold you back any longer. Take the first step on your journey towards musical artist mastery with “The Artist Accelerator’' and discover the joy of singing and creating music with confidence, passion, and soul. Let your true voice be heard - start your musical journey today by booking a connection call with me!